The Sachem School Board is grappling with a decision that could significantly impact student transportation across the district. The proposition under discussion would reduce the number of students receiving bus services.
At a board meeting Wednesday night, board members debated the proposal, which seeks to increase the number of students without bus service from 630 to 2,800. While proponents argue that the change would save the district an estimated $1.75 million — funds that would otherwise be drawn from reserves — critics fear the impact on student safety and the well-being of the community.
"We have to make the hard decisions here with the community’s support," said Trustee Stephanie Volpe, who emphasized the dire financial situation the district faces. "If this doesn’t pass, we’re $13 million in the hole. If it does pass, we’re still $11 million in the hole."
However, not all board members are in agreement with the proposed cut. Trustee Alex Piccirillo voiced opposition, expressing concern for the safety of children. "What is an acceptable number for kids getting accidentally hit by a car because we want to save $1.75 million? I’m not doing it," he said.
The debate comes amidst the presentation of the district's 2025-2026 budget, which totals $380.9 million. Several tax levy scenarios were discussed, including one that stays within the state’s tax cap and others that exceed it. Board Vice President Vincent Reynolds pointed out what he calls the unsustainable trajectory of the district’s finances, stating, "We’re climbing to $400 million. Something’s got to change."
Ultimately, the proposition to proceed with the bus service changes would be voted on by the community. The Sachem School Board is scheduled to hold its budget adoption meeting on April 9.