Some East Setauket residents say plans to build new homes in the area could harm the groundwater.
The Town of Brookhaven originally owned the land on Franklin Avenue, which is in the middle of a special groundwater protection area. It was sold to developer Charles Krohn, of Windwood Homes, Inc., who wants to build three homes on the parcel.
Because of the size of the property and town zoning code, he was only able to build two, forcing him to apply to the zoning board for a variance. Neighbors and civic leaders opposed to the plan say overdevelopment could potentially damage the drinking water supply over time.
A public hearing regarding the developer's application was held two weeks ago. Neighboring resident Tom Cardno and civic leader Shawn Nuzzo both spoke to the zoning board about their concerns and asked them to consider their comments while making a decision.
News 12 called the board Wednesday, which said it voted in favor of the developer on the night of the public hearing. The board had 62 days to decide.
"It wreaks of impropriety and conspiracy and leads me to believe that the decision was probably already made ahead of time," said Cardno in a phone interview.
Several calls to the developer have not been returned. News 12 tried to speak with the zoning board chairman, but was redirected to the town attorney's office.