Mastic Beach residents will be heading back to the polls next week and their votes could result in higher taxes.
Residents voted to incorporate their village in 2010, and now have to decide if they want to remain that way. They heard from experts on Friday telling them what either option looks like.
If the village is dissolved, control would go back to the town of Brookhaven and residents' taxes would go up 22 percent. If the village remains intact, taxes would go up more than 200 percent and possibly even 400 percent to include road paving and capital improvements.
Residents who support keeping the village intact say those numbers are just wrong.
"It's false math," says Frank Fugarino, noting that the village has other sources of income besides taxes. "We have a village court -- all of the fees that we collect remain here...We renegotiated our own garbage contract and saved over $700,000."
Village residents will have a chance to vote from 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Nov. 16.