The content below has been provided by PSEG Long Island and has no editorial input from News 12 Long Island.
It's time to get your outdoor space energy-efficient. Why not save energy and money in the process with these five easy tips:
1. Use manual tools. Some yard work requires a motor. For those jobs that don't, use hand tools instead. They're quieter, don't use energy and will still get the job done.
2. Take control. Timers and motion sensors keep outdoor lights on when they're needed and off when they're not.
3. Prime your pump. Solar pumps are a great way to help keep your fountain flowing without making a splash on your electric bill.
4. Plant some savings. Planting leafy trees on the south, east and west sides of your home will provide cooling shade during hot weather. The real payoff will come in future years with lower summer energy bills and increased comfort.
5. Switch to LEDs. LEDs are more efficient than conventional incandescents. They're also more durable, last longer and respond better to temperature changes.
With these five measures, you can enjoy your outdoor space this summer and all year long while using less energy.
Looking for more ways to save?
Purchasing a rechargeable lawn mower, blower, and/or weed trimmer can save you money while being beneficial to the environment! These powerful tools work to the same standards as their gas counterparts without producing greenhouse gas emissions. For rebates on these and other environmentally friendly products and appliances visit