Suffolk DA: Acme Bus Co private school bus driver Anna Kovarick sold heroin on breaks

The Suffolk DA says a bus driver for West Islip private schools was dealing heroin when she wasn't shuttling kids back and forth to class. Anna Kovarick, a bus driver for St. John the Baptist High

News 12 Staff

Apr 12, 2014, 3:04 AM

Updated 3,758 days ago


The Suffolk DA says a bus driver for West Islip private schools was dealing heroin when she wasn't shuttling kids back and forth to class.
Anna Kovarick, a bus driver for St. John the Baptist High School, Bridges Academy and Our Lady of Lourdes, is accused of dipping out on her break to sell drugs in the West Islip area.
"She would pick the kids up, bring them to school, bring her bus her back to the depot, for the Acme Bus Co, go out and sell heroin," says DA Thomas Spota. "She would go back to the school, return them home, and then go out again and sell heroin."
Prosecutors say there is no evidence she was selling heroin to students. Spota says she was running the drugs on the orders of her boyfriend, Robert Persad, who is locked up in the Suffolk County Jail and was allegedly using the phone to tell her who to sell to. 
Spota says Kovarick was not using heroin. Acme Bus Co says she had a clean record, but has now been suspended pending an investigation.

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