Riverhead threatens suit over sex offender trailers

Just when Suffolk County Social Services thought it had quieted critics of its sex-offender trailers, Riverhead officials said they might sue. Social Services provides a trailer as temporary housing

News 12 Staff

May 4, 2007, 9:39 PM

Updated 6,384 days ago


Just when Suffolk County Social Services thought it had quieted critics of its sex-offender trailers, Riverhead officials said they might sue.
Social Services provides a trailer as temporary housing for homeless sex offenders after their release. The trailer is supposed to be placed on remote, county-owned properties.
Department officials planned on moving the trailer to the Suffolk County Jail parking lot in Riverhead after Westhampton residents complained of the trailer's proximity to their homes.
However, Suffolk is finding the problem far from solved.
"Across the river are our parks, less than six-tenths of a mile away are our schools. Our library's directly across the street," said Legis. Ed Romaine (R-Center Moriches) of the jail parking lot.
Town of Riverhead Supervisor Phil Cardinale might file suit to order the trailer moved. "These individuals have a right to emergency housing under our laws. But we need, at the same time they need placement, we need protection," he said.
The Department of Social Services defends the plan for the move to Riverhead, saying all sex offenders are supervised, have a curfew and are transported into and out of the temporary housing.
Related Information: Suffolk sex offender trailer moving out Residents miffed over location of sex offender trailers Family Watchdog MapSexOffenders.com U.S. Department of Justice