President Barack Obama sparked some controversy after he said he doesn't think marijuana is any more dangerous than alcohol in terms of the impact on individual consumers.
The president made the comments in an interview with the New Yorker magazine.
Long Island Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence doctors say the president's comments are irresponsible.
"For the president to say that marijuana is not as dangerous as alcohol is like saying rattlesnakes are not as dangerous as cobras," said Jeffrey Reynolds, executive director of LICADD. "They're both dangerous and they both have inherent health risks."
LICADD sees about 750 families a month for intervention and counseling.
Some Long Island residents said they agree with President Obama, saying that they believe alcohol to be more dangerous.
The president also admitted that he smoked marijuana as a kid, and views it as a bad habit.
He said, "It's not something I encourage and I've told my daughters I think it's a bad idea."