Police search for missing Bronx girl

Friends and family of a 16-year-old missing student gathered outside of Celia Cruz Bronx High School of Music Thursday to pass out flyers and raise community awareness.Selena Pruden, who is top in her

News 12 Staff

May 22, 2008, 11:58 PM

Updated 5,996 days ago


Friends and family of a 16-year-old missing student gathered outside of Celia Cruz Bronx High School of Music Thursday to pass out flyers and raise community awareness.Selena Pruden, who is top in her class both academically and musically, has been missing for over a week. Her family says she has not shown up to school or any of her concerts. Officials say Pruden is officially on the missing persons list. Police are following a few leads after reviewing the numbers in Pruden?s cell phone.Pruden?s distraught mother begged for her return and says that she will do anything to get her daughter back. Crisis counselors are available at the school to speak with students affected by the incident.