Felix is a 12-year-old male beagle mix. This sweet senior is more on the calmer side at this stage in his life. Short walks followed by long naps and Felix will be one happy dog. He would do best in a quieter house that will allow him to relax.
Ashley is a 1-year-old female terrier mix. She is a bit shy at first, but warms up to everyone she meets. She previously lived in a house with other dogs so she would love a canine companion. At only a year old, she still needs a bit of help becoming housebroken.
Brownie is a 9-year-old beagle. She strikes the perfect balance of enjoying both playing and relaxing. Like most beagles she wants to be outside and loves looking for new scents to track down. Brownie would be great for someone without a lot of dog experience.
Sadie is a 12-year-old female chocolate lab. Don't let her age fool you; Sadie had plenty of energy left! She enjoys belly rubs, a nice warm bed, and treats. Sadie is also great with children.