From the Amy Fisher case to the serial killer trial of Joel Rifkin, Assistant District Attorney Fred Klein has been prosecuting unlawful Long Islanders for 27 years. But on Friday Klein was suddenly fired, surprising many Nassau County court watchers, including Klein himself.
District Attorney Kathleen Rice gave the nod to Klein?s dismissal after the two were reported to have butted heads over managerial issues. Her spokesman says Klein is a "talented trial lawyer" but that he and Rice "didn't see eye to eye" on how to handle cases.
Attorney William Petrillo says Klein?s dismissal will be a ?devastating loss to the citizens of Nassau County.? He called Klein one of the most well-respected prosecutors in the state.
Klein expressed disappointment at his firing but said that he was ?gratified? to have served Nassau County residents for so long and looks forward to starting something new.
Klein?s last day will be in August.