Martin Heidgen appeals conviction in 2005 Meadowbrook Pkwy. crash that killed limo driver Stanley Rabinowitz, flower girl Katie Flynn

Martin Heidgen is appealing his conviction in the 2005 crash that killed a wedding limousine driver and a flower girl. Heidgen is asking the state's Court of Appeals to toss out his murder conviction

News 12 Staff

Oct 9, 2013, 3:07 AM

Updated 3,943 days ago


Martin Heidgen is appealing his conviction in the 2005 crash that killed a wedding limousine driver and a flower girl.

Heidgen is asking the state's Court of Appeals to toss out his murder conviction in the deaths of 59-year-old wedding limo driver Stanley Rabinowitz and 7-year-old flower girl Katie Flynn.

Heidgen's attorney Jillian Harrington says her client should not have been convicted of murder. She says he only deserves the lesser offense of manslaughter because he was too drunk to know what he was doing.

Prosecutors say Heidgen knew what he was doing and argue that he had total disregard for anyone's life that night.

Heidgen had more than 14 drinks when he drove the wrong way on the Meadowbrook Parkway and slammed into the limousine. He was sentenced to 18 years to life.

There's no timetable as to when a decision will be made in the case.

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