One Franklin Square man says his quality of life is being ruined by idling trucks.
Vincenzo Reda lives right behind the King Kullen supermarket on New Hyde Park Road and says truck drivers making deliveries come at all hours of the day, on both weekdays and weekends. Reda says the trucks are left running for hours at a time.
Reda says he's placed calls to no avail to the store, its corporate office, a reality company, the Town of Hempstead, King Kullen's main delivery company and the state attorney general.
Reda says the smell and noise coming from the trucks is both frustrating and damaging his quality of life.
The Town of Hempstead sent News 12 a statement saying: "The Hempstead Town Building Department has sent code enforcement officers to the location at least 7 times since July 2018 in order to inspect for improper deliverers, foul odors and trash. Violations were not observed on any of those occasions; however, code enforcement officers will continue performing periodic inspections."
And King Kullen sent its own statement that says it's "looking into any noise complaints for the shopping center. If our trucks are loading or idling outside accepted times, we will take appropriate steps to end the practice."
Reda did hire an attorney, who sent a letter to King Kullen demanding that the issue be resolved immediately or a formal complaint would be filed.