The largest robotics competition ever held in Connecticut is wrapping up Tuesday at Total Mortgage Arena in Bridgeport.
More than 100 middle and high school robotics teams from all over the state are competing for the state championship – showcasing student-built robots designed to navigate complex challenges.
"It also incorporates programming, building, designing, online things like [computer-aided design] and structural analysis, so it’s really helpful in all areas and we learn a lot through it," said Grace Lein, a Masuk High School senior.
In the minute and 45 seconds of each competition, students control their robots to stack rings. They get one point for each ring, but the top ring gets three bonus points. Most points wins. But this is way more than just winning and losing.
"We're talking about communication skills, we're talking about dealing with setbacks," said event director Bill McDonough.
Qualifying teams will head to the VEX Robotics World Championship in Dallas in May.
Ninety volunteers helped in the event planning.