More than two dozen people made their voices heard Tuesday,
saying the Town of Hempstead is discriminating against communities of color
when it comes to redistricting. They're asking for fair representation.
The residents rallied outside Town Hall to
show their frustration. They're accusing the town of stretching district lines
to divide minority populations. Residents say the redistricting process lacks
transparency and discriminates against communities of color.
Every 10 years, a census is taken to adjust electoral
districts according to changes in population and demographics. The census shows
that 47% of the population of the Town of Hempstead are made up of people of
color, yet the board does not reflect that.
The group rallied outside but then moved inside Town
Hall for a public comment hearing in front of the Temporary
Redistricting Commission. In addition to asking for a transparent process, they
demanded two more districts where minority groups hold most of the district's
Civil rights attorney Fred Brewington told the
commission that the redistricting maps need to be fair and can't violate voting
The town attorney addressed the concern by telling the
public during the meeting that a new proposed redistricting map will be
available before the end of the year.