Four men are behind bars Thursday, accused of raping and sodomizing a young teenage girl in Sag Harbor.
Police say 21-year-old Kourtney Hughes, 19-year-old Brandon Jackson, 18- or 19-year-old Paul Ward and 16-year-old Sha?keen Davis lured the girl to an empty summer home, where they raped and sodomized her early Tuesday morning. Authorities say one of the suspects is the grandson of the homeowner, who signed an affidavit saying no one, including his grandson, had the right to be in the house.
The suspects are charged with first degree rape, first degree criminal sex act and burglary. Ward, Hughes and Jackson all pleaded not guilty at their arraignment Thursday morning. Davis, who was arrested Thursday night, will be arraigned Friday. Police say Davis and Ward have each written lengthy confessions implicating the other two suspects in the crime.