Nassau County Executive Laura Curran announced Friday that FEMA approved a major disaster declaration in Nassau County for residents needing assistance
recovering from Ida.
"I fought hard to ensure Nassau was included in FEMA's disaster declaration because too many families in our County continue to suffer," Curran said in a statement. "I thank Governor Kathy Hochul for her extraordinary efforts and leadership during this time, along with all our partners on the state and federal level. I urge anyone in Nassau who was affected by the remnants of Ida to visit FEMA'S website and begin the application process as soon as possible."
Eligible victims will be able to apply for direct assistance, which may include home repairs, temporary housing, low-cost loans, and other programs to help recover.
Applicants who apply will need to provide the following information:
-A current phone number.
-Address at the time of the disaster and the address where you are now staying.
-Your Social Security number, if available.
-A general list of damages and losses and if insured, the insurance policy number, or the agent and company name.