A 31-year-old
man who operates a bakery in East Hampton called Hello, Oma is in Ukraine
defending a country he calls his second home.
Kalas is near the capital of Kyiv as Russian forces advance on the city.
“In most day
to day, there's constant air raids, sirens, artillery shells, live gunfire as
we get closer to the conflict zones. Today there was live gunfire, some
directed at us. It's pretty terrifying, but you try to keep your head down and
just do your job,” says Kalas.
Kalas says the decision to
fight was one that he and his wife made together. His
wife and child are currently in Portugal.
The couple
made this dangerous decision because they said they would like to have a
Ukraine to return to and a place for their daughter who's a Ukrainian citizen,
to grow up in.
When asked if he is afraid he will not make it out, he says
‘yes, every day.’
Sophie Knight
knows Kristofer Kalas from his East Hampton shop.
“It doesn’t surprise me that he would
go over there, he’s an incredible person. He has such a world
compass, and his ability to give is amazing,” says Knight.