Bobbi Girl is a 3-year-old Boxer mix. She is very sweet and loving. She's sweet with people and loves attention. She is currently looking for a solo pet home. She will make a fabulous canine companion.
Dutch is 6.5 years old. He was adopted from the shelter four years ago and returned. His adopters said he developed some behavior issues that were not addressed. His previous owners told us he is house trained and crate trained, and is used to living with adults and teenagers. They said he is playful, gentle and loyal but can be protective and wary of new people.
River is a 5.5-year-old male who came into the shelter as a stray. He is really handsome and really nice too! He is friendly with dogs after proper introductions, and knows the commands sit and down, and is sure to learn more. River is friendly with people, playful with toys, and is amazing.