A Brookhaven committee member resigned after less than one day on the job following a controversial post on social media.
Georgette Grier-Key, the Brookhaven Town president of the NAACP, says Martha Gillette was officially appointed by the town to be a member of the Solid Waste Committee on Thursday.
However, Gillette resigned Friday after questions and concerns were raised about her views on the Confederacy, that she posted on Facebook and Twitter.
"To find out that you put someone on the committee who is a sympathizer of the Confederate flag— that symbolizes hate, separation…at a time we realize that race relations are at a high…is disheartening," says Grier-Key.
A spokesperson for the town only told News 12 that Gillette resigned from her position.
Grier-Key showed an email from Supervisor Ed Romaine saying that he did not agree with Gillette's Facebook posts, and that she resigned from the Ad Hoc Committee on Solid Waste.
Grier-Key says the issue runs deeper, and that work needs to be done to make sure there is more diversity on the committee.
"We want to see the true transparency— Who are these people who sit on this committee?" she says.
News 12 reached out to Gillette for comment but hasn't heard back.