Westbury man faces child porn charges

Police say a Westbury man who worked as a clown at parties had hundreds of child pornography images on his computer. Alexander Zacarias, 40, was arrested Tuesday at his home on Sherman Street. Police

News 12 Staff

Apr 17, 2008, 5:07 PM

Updated 6,031 days ago


Police say a Westbury man who worked as a clown at parties had hundreds of child pornography images on his computer.
Alexander Zacarias, 40, was arrested Tuesday at his home on Sherman Street. Police say they seized numerous computers that will be examined.
Zacarias was charged with nine counts of promoting the sexual performance of a child and nine counts of possession of a sexual performance of a child. Police say they have no proof Zacarias harmed any children at the parties he worked at.
Zacarias is being held on $200,000 bail.