Taco Bell officials say their food is safe to eat despite another strain of E.coli found in one of their restaurants in Hempstead.Officials from the state Department of Health say a sample taken from white onions at the Peninsula Boulevard restaurant on December 4 tested positive for the potentially deadly bacteria. Last week, Taco Bell pulled green onions from its menu nationwide believing they were to blame for the E. coli outbreak.Health officials say the new strain of the bacteria is not linked to any human cases on Long Island. County health officials have ordered Taco Bell to test more than 200 of its employees at seven Nassau locations. Many people, however, say they will not be eating at the Hempstead Taco Bell anymore. Taco Bell officials say they switched their produce supplier as a precaution. They are also working with several federal agencies to find the source of the E.coli outbreak.
Related Information Nassau County Dept. of Health Suffolk County Health Services Frequently Asked Questions Infectious Disease Information