State officials are working with Stony Brook University on a plan for the school to help deal with a potential overflow of coronavirus patients from area hospitals.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the school was being looked at as a potential field hospital for New Yorkers diagnosed with the virus.
School officials tell News 12 they showed members of Cuomo's task force areas around the campus that could be used to house patients.
An official says they looked at four places, including two gyms and Island Federal Credit Union Arena. They say that the locations must be convenient for food service, laundry service and restrooms.
Cuomo says the temporary field hospitals will need to be set up quickly.
Cuomo says any area considered for a potential field hospital is under analysis.
School officials say with 13 million square-feet of space and 178 buildings, they have the space to help the governor and the people of New York.
Stony Brook University Hospital is also on the campus, where officials have been asked by the governor to reconfigure the facility to fit more patients. Currently, it holds 624 beds.
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