Smithtown Deputy Supervisor Thomas McCarthy submitted legislation Tuesday to rescind the raise he was approved for.
The move came after McCarthy cast the deciding vote to approve his own huge raise.
The Smithtown Council voted to rescind the pay hike. One former councilwoman says it was the right thing to do.
"Obviously, you shouldn't be voting when you're the sole beneficiary of a $30,000, 600 percent increase," said former Councilwoman Pat Biancaniello. "You shouldn't be voting on it."
Town Supervisor Pat Vecchio told News 12 that his raise still may be added to the 2015 budget.
Vecchio says McCarthy's raise is well-deserved and that deputy supervisors in other towns make in excess of $100,000 a year.
"We have always treated it as a token position. It ought not to be," said Vecchio.
The town budget is expected to be presented to the Smithtown Town Board on Oct. 3.