Repeat sex offender wanders Bronx streets free

A convicted level-three sex offender is wandering Bronx streets, and authorities fear he will strike again. Authorities say 63-year-old Fred Scott failed to report to his parole officer in February.

News 12 Staff

Apr 11, 2007, 10:16 PM

Updated 6,403 days ago


A convicted level-three sex offender is wandering Bronx streets, and authorities fear he will strike again.
Authorities say 63-year-old Fred Scott failed to report to his parole officer in February. Scott, whose alias is Anthony Scott, also failed to register as an offender and has a long rap sheet.
"Fred Scott has been arrested four times on four separate occasions for cases all involving the molestation and sodomy of young girls," said his parole officer, James Cappiello.
Cappiello believes Scott may be in the area of University Avenue and Fordham Road, where he has an apartment. The residence is directly across from a day care center. Cappiello says Scott could also be in the area of Morris Avenue and 174th Street.
Officers say Scott's associates maintain the suspect has not contacted them. Anyone with information about his whereabouts is asked to call the New York State Parole Tip Line at 212-239-6159.