Protesters are expected to rally outside Babylon Town Hall Saturday against the Russian invasion of Ukraine
The Ankudovych family has been watching in disbelief as the country they love was being attacked.
"My mom, my grandmother, we were all downstairs watching in horror," says Misha Ankudovych.
His grandmother, Iryna, flew from Ukraine to see him graduate from Amityville Memorial High School.
She says she was excited, but also came a little earlier due to fear of a Russian attack.
"I always knew there was a possibility there'd be some kind of a conflict," says Paige Ankudovych.
They have 15 friends and family still in Ukraine and are continually checking in on them.
Their friends say they have been sleeping in the basement and they feel powerless as all they can do is watch and wait.
"I'm hoping the West sees we do need to support Ukraine," Paige Ankudovych says. "It's about fighting for democracy and fighting for people."
The protest is scheduled to take place Saturday at 2:30 p.m.