Prosecutors: Man began visiting child porn site while working as teacher

Kurt Desch, a 63-year-old who retired from Eastern Suffolk BOCES in 2016, is accused of having hundreds of videos and pictures of child porn on his home computer.

News 12 Staff

Mar 12, 2019, 3:28 PM

Updated 1,963 days ago


Prosecutors: Man began visiting child porn site while working as teacher
Prosecutors told a judge Tuesday that a retired teacher from Northport admitted he began visiting a child pornography website eight years ago while he was actively working as an educator.
Kurt Desch, a 63-year-old who retired from Eastern Suffolk BOCES in 2016, is accused of having hundreds of videos and pictures of child porn on his home computer.
Police say detectives from the Computer Crimes Unit came to Desch's house just after 7 a.m. Tuesday and arrested him.
One neighbor called the allegations "a little disturbing."
Desch was arraigned Tuesday afternoon and pleaded not guilty. Desch's lawyer said his client has no prior run-ins with the law.
The judge set Desch's bail at $35,000 cash. He's due back in court Friday.

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