A new pop-up vaccination has
opened in Freeport.
The site opened at 11:30 a.m. at Zion Cathedral on Grand Avenue in
Freeport. Officials say the site will be open for three days.
Nassau officials are partnering with Northwell Health in hope of
providing shots to 800 Nassau County residents.
Nassau County Executive
Laura Curran says it's
important to do this outreach in hard-hit communities as more people are
green-lit for inoculation.
"Today, folks 30 and over are eligible. Starting on April 6,
eligibility for folks 16 and older will open up, so it's really important that
we have the infrastructure, the vaccine infrastructure, in place as we get more
doses as eligibility opens up to get more people vaccinated," says Curran.
So far, about 36% of Nassau residents have been
vaccinated. That is the highest percentage of any large county in the state.