A new report from the Nassau district attorney says overcrowding was a key factor in last year's July 4 boating tragedy that killed three children.
Officials say 27 people were on board a 34-foot boat when it capsized, killing Harley Treanor, David Aureliano and Victoria Gaines.
The report also noted that the boat's maximum capacity wasn't posted because it's not required by law.
Sen. Chuck Schumer introduced a bill almost a year ago that would require manufacturers to post maximum occupancy on all boats, no matter the size.
"Believe it or not, all boats under 20 feet do have capacity limits, so it boggles the mind that boats over 20 feet don't," Schumer says. "That doesn't make any sense whatsoever."
Schumer's office says he is trying to get the bill out of committee and onto the floor for a vote as soon as possible.
For more on local boating safety, watch the clip to the left or click News 12 Extra on Optimum TV channel 612.