It's time to say thanks! But holiday tipping can be confusing.
How much should we tip the people who help us all year?
1. Au pair or live-in nanny
Match one week or session pay, and a gift from your children.
2. Babysitter
One evening pay and a small gift from your kids.
3. House keeper or cleaner
Up to the amount of one week's pay, and/or a small gift.
4. Beauty salon staff
Give individual cards and a small gift to each of those people who work on you throughout the year.
5. Mail carrier
The U.S. Postal Service has some gift regulations -
you can check them here. But a small gift, up to $20 range is a good bet.
6. Trash/recycling collectors
The suggested amount is between $10 and $30 for each person.
7. Teachers, aides and bus drivers
Give gifts and a note from your little ones.
If you can't afford to give money, News 12's consumer reporter Janice Lieberman says to give goodies or something homemade and always include a personal note.