Former LI teacher cleared of teen sex charge

A Connecticut jury Wednesday acquitted a former Holbrook teacher accused of having sex with a teenager in 2003. Peter Eramo Jr. was accused of having sex with a 17-year-old girl in Westport, Conn. Eramo

News 12 Staff

Oct 29, 2009, 11:20 PM

Updated 5,384 days ago


A Connecticut jury Wednesday acquitted a former Holbrook teacher accused of having sex with a teenager in 2003.
Peter Eramo Jr. was accused of having sex with a 17-year-old girl in Westport, Conn. Eramo wasn't charged with the alleged crime until three years later, when he was teaching at Lindenhurst High School.
Eramo says he's moved back in with his parents in Mineola and works at a pet store. He says he can't find any other jobs, despite having a master's degree from Columbia University.
AP wire services were used in this report.

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