More than 1,000 U.S. families who were forced out of their homes by Superstorm Sandy are due to lose their rent assistance funds this week.
The federal government agreed to provide 18 months' worth of rent to people whose homes were unlivable because of Sandy damage, but that period ends Wednesday.
It's an added stress for families like the Fallons, whose Babylon home took on 4 feet of water during the storm and was eventually torn down. The family has been renting out the home next door, but their federal assistance is about to run out. Making matters worse, the property they've been renting has just been sold to the state under its buyout program.
"My husband and I can't go through another move," says Cathy Fallon. "We don't know where we're going to go. New York state has to start helping people now."
FEMA says there are only about three dozen families on Long Island who are still receiving the rental assistance. After the assistance ends this week, affected families should be able to receive assistance from other agencies such as Catholic Charities, according to FEMA.
FEMA has set up a phone number for people to call if they still need rental assistance after this week's deadline. The number is 855-258-0483.