Bronx man charged with distributing child porn, sending death threats to Nassau County girl

According to court filings, over the last two years 24-year-old Christian Brazoban communicated online and video chatted with the female victim.

News 12 Staff

Apr 12, 2023, 9:47 AM

Updated 554 days ago


A Bronx man is accused of sharing child pornography and sending death threats to a Nassau County girl.
According to court filings, over the last two years 24-year-old Christian Brazoban communicated online and video chatted with the female victim.
Brazoban allegedly sent her messages that contained images of child porn and sex abuse last month.
When the victim told him to stop, Brazoban allegedly sent additional online messages threatening to kill her and her family.
Police say they searched Brazoban's home and found a cellphone containing the images and threats to the victim.
Brazoban is facing a slew of charges.