The Kings Park Central School District says it has suspended a number of students who were allegedly involved with taking or distributing a video of a nude classmate.
Students at Kings Park High School say they first saw video of the underage girl last Thursday. News 12 is told the video was sent through a group text.
Police say the video of a male and female student was recorded by another friend on a cellphone. They say two 14-year-old boys were arrested and charged with a misdemeanor. They are due in family court at a later date.
The district tells News 12 in a statement, "This is an open and active police investigation and we have been informed that arrests have been made in conjunction with this incident."
The district has also suspended students who had any sort of involvement in the matter, such as receiving video. Parents say they think it's unfair to suspend a student who simply received the video and did nothing with it.
Dr. James Grossane, the superintendent of the Smithtown Central School District, says the two teens who were arrested attend Smithtown High School. He said in a statement, "The district will be conducting an internal investigation to further explore this incident. This is a serious legal matter for these students who may also face severe disciplinary consequences for violation of the district's code of conduct."
Police warn that further dissemination of the video will result in criminal charges.