Wake held for West Babylon teen

Family and friends said goodbye Sunday to Garrett Quedens, the West Babylon teen who was found in the cold early on New Year's Day. A steady stream of mourners attended a wake for the teen in Amityville,

News 12 Staff

Jan 5, 2009, 2:59 PM

Updated 5,768 days ago


Family and friends said goodbye Sunday to Garrett Quedens, the West Babylon teen who was found in the cold early on New Year's Day.
A steady stream of mourners attended a wake for the teen in Amityville, remembering him as a fun-loving boy who enjoyed bicycling and basketball.
"He was a quiet kid, a good kid. I used to see him once in a while. I used to play basketball with him at the local courts," says Neil Cusumeno of West Babylon.
Police charged two men for giving vodka to Quedens' friend. Investigators say Quedens and his friend then drank the whole bottle on New Year's Eve. Quedens was found early the next morning on the side of the road. He later died at the hospital.