Shooting at birthday party in N. Amityville leaves girl dead

Gunfire at a birthday party in North Amityville left one girl dead Saturday night. Danielle Baker, 14, was attending the party with her sisters, Tiffany, 16, and Ashley, 12. Ashley says her sister fell

News 12 Staff

Apr 11, 2006, 5:34 PM

Updated 6,772 days ago


Gunfire at a birthday party in North Amityville left one girl dead Saturday night. Danielle Baker, 14, was attending the party with her sisters, Tiffany, 16, and Ashley, 12. Ashley says her sister fell on top of her and died in her arms. She says they were all dancing when some people from an area gang called the Browns were kicked out. She says they got mad and shot inside the house. Danielle?s father says his daughter was an honor student at Copiague Middle School who got along well with everyone. Police are urging anyone with information to call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-220-TIPS.