A Suffolk community says their roads were in desperate need of repairs even before the harsh winter created new potholes.
Residents along Peconic Street in Selden say their roads have been badly damaged for over a year.
"It's been a pretty huge problem. I mean we can't even back out of driveway without hitting the potholes, and it's been going since last February," said Jackie Peters, of Selden. "I emailed the town and no one has ever showed up."
Neighbors say they have left over 20 voicemail messages, emails and Facebook posts for the Town of Brookhaven just this year. So far, they have not received a response.
News 12 called the town at around 1 p.m. Nearly 15 minutes later, they were working on the roadway problem.
In a statement to News 12, Brookhaven Town Highway Superintendent Dan Losquadro says in part, "As this has been another historically harsh winter, it has done a lot of damage to town roadways....asphalt plants have not reopened until this week and this is only the second day we have been able to use hot mix asphalt from the plants. We will continue addressing potholes for the next several months."