Police: Teen lied about Mastic Beach sex assault

A Long Island high school student, who had reported being sexually abused while walking to William Floyd High School in Mastic Beach, has recanted her story. Suffolk County police said the girl had

News 12 Staff

Mar 6, 2008, 12:01 AM

Updated 6,074 days ago


A Long Island high school student, who had reported being sexually abused while walking to William Floyd High School in Mastic Beach, has recanted her story.
Suffolk County police said the girl had told police in January that while cutting through property on the west side of Mastic Road, she was grabbed by a man who fondled her.
The 17-year-old was re-interviewed about inconsistencies and admitted she had made up the story to avoid taking an exam at school. A Suffolk police spokesman said the girl was not charged, but she will have to undergo counseling. Some fellow students reacted with disbelief, but said the news made them feel a little safer. Two similar incidents involving female students near the school were reported in January. However, arrests were made in both those cases.
AP wire reports contributed to this article.
Mastic Beach teen allegedly assaulted on wayto school