Police arrest Valley Stream school janitor for sexual predation

A janitor at Valley Stream's Clear Stream Elementary School was arrested Thursday for allegedly trying to have sex with a boy he met on the Internet. Police say Thomas Kowalczyk, 24, met a 14-year-old

News 12 Staff

Nov 17, 2006, 4:19 AM

Updated 6,553 days ago


A janitor at Valley Stream's Clear Stream Elementary School was arrested Thursday for allegedly trying to have sex with a boy he met on the Internet.
Police say Thomas Kowalczyk, 24, met a 14-year-old boy in a gay online chat room. According to police, Kowalczyk asked the teen for his phone number and repeatedly called him to meet up. The boy then told his parents, who called police.
Kowalczyk is charged with endangering the welfare of a child. News 12 Long Island contacted the school district, but officials refused to comment.