Nassau County legislators sent a bill to Albany Tuesday that would allow the county to increase its cigarette tax by $2 a pack.
"A tax on cigarettes could obviously go a long way," said Nassau County Presiding Officer Judy Jacobs (D-Woodbury). "Both helping people to think twice before they lay out that much money, weekly. In addition, it will help the county."
Jacobs said the tax hike could bring the county about $30 million in new revenue.
If approved by the state Legislature, the measure would also allow Suffolk and several other New York counties to raise the tax.
Nonsmokers like Sharon Coritsidis, of Lido Beach, are in favor of the proposal.
"I think they should raise it by $10 a pack," Coritsidis said. "I think it's disgusting. I work with children with cancer, and you want to rid the world of cancer.
Predictably, residents who smoke aren't happy.
"If people want to quit they'll quit on their own," said Brian Snyder of Hicksville.
In addition, trade groups representing gas stations oppose the tax, claiming cigarette sales comprise about one-fourth of gas station revenue.
Jacobs, however, said those businesses will just have to absorb the hit.