Social networking Web site reached an agreement Monday with authorities in 49 states to help keep young users safe by preventing sexual predators from using it.
Several states? attorney generals announced the site will add protections and work to develop new security technology. Other social networking sites will be invited to take part.
New York state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo says the number of predators arrested using MySpace has doubled over the past year. He says the new agreement reached will make it even harder for adults to sexually solicit children online.
As part of the agreement, MySpace will also accept independent monitoring and changes to the site?s structure. Child advocates say it is a step in the right direction.
?Social networking sites are really benefiting financially from children and teens using their sites,? Laura Ahearn, of Parents for Megan?s Law, says. ??they have to be accountable for the safety of the users.?
However, Ahearn says there?s no substitute for a parent looking over their child?s shoulder.
Texas is the only state that has not reached the agreement with the site.
AP wire reports contributed to this article.