City to standardize sex education

A new sex education program called "Reducing the Risk" will now be taught to all high school students in the Bronx and rest of the city. The program will supplement the current health education at city

News 12 Staff

Oct 19, 2007, 5:54 PM

Updated 6,212 days ago


A new sex education program called "Reducing the Risk" will now be taught to all high school students in the Bronx and rest of the city.
The program will supplement the current health education at city schools. The standardized sex education program was announced in an effort by the Department of Education to meet state and national standards.
"Reducing the Risk" will focus on providing students with information about contraception and disease prevention, as well as encouraging abstinence. The curriculum will replace the variety of programs in use at city schools, and is currently being taught in other school districts throughout the country.
According to the Department of Education, students will continue to be taught at age-appropriate levels.