The young friend of a Huntington Station woman with cystic fibrosis has set up his own business to raise money for her treatments.
Aiden Arroyo, 7, set up a lemonade stand in Koster Park Saturday in an effort to raise money for Ann Marie Cortina.
Cortina has been on the waiting list for a much-needed double lung transplant.
"About three or four years ago, my lung function was about 50 my lung function is at 24 percent," said Cortina.
Aiden's lemonade stand was able to raise about $240 due to his impressive sales pitch.
"We're going to continue to raise money to help her so hopefully she has a better life," said Rachel Arroyo, Aiden's mother.
An online donation page has been set up for Cortina, which has raised more than $10,000.