WWE star Darren Young announces he is gay

WWE star Darren Young has revealed that he is gay. During an interview at Los Angeles International Airport, a TMZ reporter began peppering Young with questions about gay wrestlers. The reporter asked

News 12 Staff

Aug 16, 2013, 6:24 AM

Updated 4,040 days ago


WWE star Darren Young has revealed that he is gay.

During an interview at Los Angeles International Airport, a TMZ reporter began peppering Young with questions about gay wrestlers. The reporter asked Young if he thought a gay wrestler could be successful. Young apparently replied, "Absolutely. Look at me. I'm a WWE superstar and to be honest with you, I'll tell you right now, I'm gay."

The reporter admitted to being flabbergasted, saying he wasn't aware of Young's sexual orientation.

Along with veteran NBA player Jason Collins, Young is joining a small group of male American athletes who have openly discussed being gay and the career risks involved with coming out in professional sports.

Gay rights activists say Young's coming out may bring more tolerance to the sport.

Young also drew praise from WWE Vice President Stephanie McMahon via Twitter.