Teen has photos displayed in N. Hempstead building

A Herricks High School teen may be the youngest person to display his photos in a North Hempstead public building. Jorge Escoto, 16, enjoys taking creative photographs on the grounds of Clark Botanic

News 12 Staff

Dec 31, 2014, 3:53 AM

Updated 3,579 days ago


A Herricks High School teen may be the youngest person to display his photos in a North Hempstead public building.
Jorge Escoto, 16, enjoys taking creative photographs on the grounds of Clark Botanic Gardens in Albertson, as well as any other place that catches his eyes.
The young photographer has taken thousands of pictures, some of which are being featured in the "Winter Solstice Exhibit" at Clark Botanic Gardens.
"What I'm looking for is a different angle," said Escoto. "A lot of people just go and take a shot, but I want people to think when they look at it."
The photographs will be on display through Jan. 25.