Teachers, parents rally behind North Shore teacher Aaron Kozlowski, suspended following accusations of watching porn in school

Parents and teachers are rallying behind a North Shore school teacher who had been suspended following accusations of him watching pornography in school. In April, 31-year-old Aaron Kozlowski was

News 12 Staff

Nov 8, 2013, 8:02 AM

Updated 3,996 days ago


Parents and teachers are rallying behind a North Shore school teacher who had been suspended following accusations of him watching pornography in school.

In April, 31-year-old Aaron Kozlowski was arrested after being accused by students of watching pornography and touching himself in his office. The North Shore Middle School physical education teacher was placed on paid administrative leave after the ordeal. The charges ended up being dropped in late September after one student recanted and two others failed to cooperate.

More than 160 teachers filled the auditorium of North Shore High School Thursday night, joined by many parents and family members.

Kozlowski's supporters say that, with the charges in the past, he should be reinstated by the district. They say the district's inability to produce a decision is due to what they call a "lack of leadership."

School Board President Dr. Herman Berliner says that once the district's own investigation is completed, the superintendent will make a decision and report it to the board. The investigation is expected to be completed within the next 10 days.