Jake is about 4.5 years old and weighs about 14 pounds. He is a yorkie mix. He is full of love, calm and playful.
Burt is a sweet little guy. He is approximately 5 years old and weights 12 pounts. He's a Maltese mix. He walks beautifully on a leash, loves to go outside on a sunny day, and isn't afraid to go for a walk or into the backyard in the rain.
Hildy is a Bichon Frise. She is approximately 10 years old.
Junebug is about 2 and 5 years old. She's between 8 and 10 pounds. She is a Maltese Shih Tzu Poo mix.
Sweetie Pie was in a shelter after being found as a stray. She is over 10 years old. She needs a lap and love for the rest of her days.