Police: Former Hempstead church leader arrested for sexual abusing, raping girl

Jose Wilfredo Vazquez Cardoza was a church leader and worked security at Iglesia Cristiana Unida when the abuse happened, police say.

News 12 Staff

Jul 12, 2024, 12:23 AM

Updated 72 days ago


Police say a Long Island church leader was arrested for sexually abusing and raping a girl.
Detectives say it started in 2011 when the girl was 12 and continued for four years.
Jose Wilfredo Vazquez Cardoza was a church leader and worked security at Iglesia Cristiana Unida in Hempstead when the abuse happened, police say. Cardozo is now a member of a church in Amityville.
Detectives say there could be more victims and are asking anyone with information to call police.