Dems: Stimulus bill will save N.Y. jobs, upgrade schools

The House and Senate have reached a deal on a final stimulus package, and though it has yet to go through a vote, Long Islanders are already asking what it?s going to do for New York. House Democrats

News 12 Staff

Feb 13, 2009, 12:34 AM

Updated 5,726 days ago


The House and Senate have reached a deal on a final stimulus package, and though it has yet to go through a vote, Long Islanders are already asking what it?s going to do for New York.
House Democrats say the $789 billion bill will create or save 215,000 jobs over the next two years in industries like clean energy and health care in New York. They also say it will provide funding to modernize at least 867 schools in New York, by updating labs, classrooms and libraries.
There?s additional money for more unemployment insurance for than a million New Yorkers and billions for rebuilding roads and bridges.
Gov. David Paterson says there are 1,900 shovel-ready projects in the state, but that the stimulus money won't solve the need for the education and spending cuts he wants to make.
The House and Senate are on track to vote on the bill Friday. The bill is 65 percent spending and 35 percent tax cuts. President Barack Obama is set to sign the bill within days of its passage.