Cops: West Islip woman gave teens alcohol

A West Islip woman is facing charges for allegedly serving teens alcohol at her home.Police say 53-year-old Clare Gude, a mother of six, served the alcohol during a party at her Keith Lane home on Saturday.

News 12 Staff

Jan 22, 2009, 12:33 AM

Updated 5,707 days ago


A West Islip woman is facing charges for allegedly serving teens alcohol at her home.Police say 53-year-old Clare Gude, a mother of six, served the alcohol during a party at her Keith Lane home on Saturday. According to police, a 15-year-old girl at the party was hospitalized with alcohol poisoning.Gude is facing charges of endangering the welfare of a child and violating Suffolk County's social host law.
Neighbors say underage parties are a common occurrence at Gude?s home. ?It's been a nightmare,? says neighbor Susan Kajetanowicz. ?It's really been a nightmare living next door?drug deals we've seen. Every day it's something. There [are] parties constantly, 24 hours a day, all the time.?
She will be arraigned on the charges in March.