Brentwood pastor accused of coercing children into sending sexual videos, pictures

Federal prosecutors say Jose Saez Jr., at the Iglesia Cristiana Alumbrando el Camino church, allegedly used an encrypted messaging service to engage in explicit conversations with the victims and produced child pornography.

Krista McNally

Dec 7, 2023, 1:04 AM

Updated 275 days ago


There are allegations that a Brentwood pastor coerced children into sending sexual videos and pictures.
Federal prosecutors say Jose Saez Jr., at the Iglesia Cristiana Alumbrando el Camino church, allegedly used an encrypted messaging service to engage in explicit conversations with the victims and produced child pornography.
They say when Saez Jr. was chatting with an undercover agent, the 28-year-old stated he sexually abused an infant, and that he has a 'sweet spot' for molesting children between the ages of 11 to 15.
Saez is the father of three small children and has one on the way. He pleaded not guilty to the charges he is facing.
The defense claims that Saez's circumstances have changed and while in jail, as he has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of multiple sclerosis.
The judge granted Saez a release to home incarceration with no access to the internet.
The judge said he must live with his grandmother and can only see his children with his wife present. That decision was immediately appealed by the prosecution.
A decision on the appeal will happen in the coming days.
If convicted, Saez faces 15 to 30 years in prison.